Ignite Youth is part of our youth ministry. All youth aged 11-20 are welcome to come and join all the fun, games and activities we hold in St John’s every Friday (term time) at 7:30pm. We spend a lot of the night just having simple fun with a wide range of activities organised by our amazing team of leaders. But of course we all come together with our Bibles and look through the stories of Jesus.

Throughout the year, we just love getting involved in the different events the church hold. We also spend a few weekends a year sleeping over in the church or away at adventure centres like St John’s in the Vale.

We are blessed to have a huge church space, lounge area and sports hall for the youth to go crazy.

Ignite Weekend Away

One of the highlights for our youth is the yearly weekend away in St John’s in the Vale, Keswick. We all have enormous fun scrambling around in the Lake District mountains and also getting absolutely soaked in the lakes rafting and Viking boating. If this sounds good, just get in touch with one of the youth leaders for more information.

For any questions or queries regarding anything youth just send us a message or email Steve at:

Steve Donald: ignite@stjohnscarlisle.co.uk