Ethos Statement

The teaching of Christ establishes the special significance of every human being and especially the central place of children in the sight of God. Our church is committed to fulfil His law of love and to provide for the safety, well-being and proper development of all children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care.
We will also properly equip and support those adults who work with and relate to them.

Please view our safeguarding policy bellow. If you have any other questions, please send a message on our Contact Us page and our safeguarding officer will get back to you.

Safeguarding in the Parish of St. John the Evangelist
London Road Carlisle
Our Policy
The Parish of St. John the Evangelist has adopted the Church’s policy (Promoting a Safer Church) that puts children, young people & vulnerable adults at the centre of our concerns, and we have adopted the safeguarding policy and guidance agreed by the House of Bishops.

Who’s Who in our Parish?

Our Vicar
Tudor Boddam-Whetham – Vicarage Phone Number – 01228 521608
Our Churchwardens
Stuart Langhorn
Giles Wilson (Deputy) – 01228 807380
David Cathcart (Deputy)
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer
(for safeguarding concerns in respect of children or vulnerable adults)
Sue McWilliams –
Our Readers and Local Lay Ministers
None at present
Hall events coordinator
Giles & Karen Wilson – 01228 807380
Employed staff
Cleaning Company – MH Industrial Cleaning Limited
Others who work with children or vulnerable adults
Margaret Bell – 01228 402008 (Parish Visitor)
Rosemary Beal – 01228 543078 (Prospects Rainbow Club)
Ann Hewitson – 01228 548148 (Prospects Rainbow Club)
Dorothy Jefferson (Amicus)
Barbara McIntosh (Amicus)
Edna MakIntosh (Amicus)
Who else can be contacted in an emergency?
Our Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Joanna Van Lachterop – 07458 016884
Children’s Services – 0333 240 1727
Adult Social Services Office – 01228 526690
Childline helpline – 0800 1111
Domestic Abuse helpline – 0808 2000 247